Alpha Stories

Alpha Stories

Telling stories

Many lives have been transformed by Jesus through Alpha. We want to hear your story!

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Written Story 

“En ese momento comprendí que era Dios demostrando, no solo que existía, sino que sabía lo que me pasaba.”

My name is Esteban, I am 26 years old, and I came to Alpha because a friend invited me.

The truth is that I was distant from God. I went to church searching for answers because I believed that there was a higher power somewhere in the universe, but I wasn't entirely sure what or who it was.

My life before doing Alpha was good, but it was missing two things: my daughter, whom I saw only once or twice a month through video calls, and finding that divine power that many people call God. One day, someone I care about a lot told me about Alpha, which was a space for people like me who had questions about faith. I decided to go out of curiosity, though with strong skepticism. When I arrived, I was greeted with such joy, and I was surprised. Do they welcome everyone like this? Such hospitality!

As Alpha progressed, my life began to change. One of the most significant moments for me was when we started talking about prayer, and someone in the course asked if they could pray for me. I said yes, but when they began to pray, they prayed about all those things that were on my mind and that I hadn't shared with anyone. It was as if they were reading my mind! At that moment, I understood that it was God showing not only that He existed but also that He knew what I was going through. From that point on, everything in my life started to change and improve. For some “strange reason,” which I can now say was not strange but rather the way God was transforming my life, I was allowed to see my daughter after several months of not being able to. I also started to do better in my job and with my friends.

Currently, my relationship with God is close, and I started serving in the new Alpha at the church because I want to help everyone who has questions about faith and wants to be part of it to experience what I went through.

Before doing Alpha, although I considered myself a Christian because I attended a religious school, I wasn't a practicing one. Honestly, it wasn’t something that interested me much; I thought most practitioners I knew were hypocrites, and after finishing school, I believed that would be the only place where I could learn about faith and felt I hadn’t been taught enough—I wanted more. Then I entered medical school and continued with my normal life, but everything I sought for happiness didn’t satisfy me.

I went through different stages where I felt like everything was falling apart, burdened with a lot, or that the world was against me due to various situations: family issues, social challenges, problems at university, and concerns about my health.

One day, I received an invitation to join Alpha at university, and I found the idea of meeting new people or having a fun way to take my mind off everything that was happening to me interesting. So, I started attending with some friends. From the very first session, I realized it was what I had been searching for but didn’t know where to find it, and it gave me great relief to be there and rethink everything that had happened to me and why. When I finished Alpha, I could truly feel loved by God, feel that I was not alone, and also find comfort in knowing that someone had forgiven all my sins. Especially during the final Mass, with a healing prayer we were given, I couldn’t hold back the tears; I don’t think I had ever cried so inconsolably out of happiness. That was the moment I truly experienced the love of God.

Currently, I am part of a missionary group and am hosting my first Alpha. I believe it is a gateway to exploring faith, helping you understand the basics while also opening up to questions and discovering more each day. I plan to return to my former school to present Alpha and offer the opportunity for more young people to get to know Jesus.

Bernardita Diaz Agote, 20 years old, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina