Alpha in the Catholic Church
Equipping your parish in its mission to help people encounter Jesus.

Discover Pope Francis' message at the Leadership Conference 2024.

Pope Francis delivered a special message to the world leaders at the Leadership Conference 2024. His message, focused on service and leadership, served as a source of inspiration for all attendees. 

Alpha in my parish

Alpha es una herramienta que las parroquias usan para evangelizar. Miles de iglesias, en más de 65 países alrededor del mundo, están implementando Alpha actualmente de manera online y presencial.

En los últimos 5 años…


Nearly 30 countries in Latin America have run Alpha.


4.757 parroquias hicieron Alpha.


413.979 personas escucharon hablar de Jesus.

What is Alpha?

Alpha includes 11 interactive sessions introducing the Christian faith. It was primarily designed for people who are new to the faith or who are distant from the church. However, Alpha can also be used as a 'review' course for both active Catholics and those who have drifted away from the faith.

Alpha is an initial and highly effective presentation of the core of the Gospel, which is the KerygmaAlpha teaches only what is agreed upon by the main Christian denominations, and while it does not cover specific Catholic teachings on faith and ecclesiology, its course content is compatible with them. Alpha is not a substitute for catechetical programs, and the course is most effective as part of a comprehensive evangelization program.

1 Alpha, 3 ingredients...
Whether in person with food or online with a cup of tea, all sessions begin with a time to connect, relax, and build friendships. Eating together creates a space where people connect more deeply.
The Alpha talks are designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”
The discussion time is an opportunity for people to respond to the talk, hear from others and contribute their own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment.

What comes after Alpha?

Once a guest has completed Alpha, whether online or in person, it is essential to have an intentional process of ongoing formation to help people continue growing as missionary disciples.

A long-term process

Lo más importante que una parroquia puede hacer para facilitar el crecimiento de las personas como discípulos misioneros, es pasar de un modelo de misión basado en programas a un modelo demisión basado en procesos. Cualquiera que sea la forma que esto adopte, (grupos, eventos de alabanza y adoración, en persona o en línea), crear y normalizar una cultura de evangelización y formación de discípulos a lo largo de toda la vida es vital para que el “viaje” post Alpha sea eficaz y duradero

“Los grupos pequeños son fundamentales para la Parroquia de San Benito. Sino seguimos avivando esas llamas, la luz se apagará rápidamente y perderemos a la mayoría de los invitados.Después de Alpha animamos a la gente a unirse a un grupo pequeño (online o presencial)y continuar experimentando la auténtica comunidad cristiana y ser expuestos a la belleza de nuestra fe Católica.”

Bill Scollard, Small Groups Coordinator at St. Benedict Parish, Canada.

Alpha stories

Find out what happened when Loli run Alpha in her parish

Loli Buteler tried Alpha 8 years ago and decided to show it to her parish in San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Through Alpha, she was able to renew her community, creating friendships centered on Jesus, uniting them to establish a chapel for worship, and expanding their church to host even larger Alphas.
More testimonies...
Run Alpha in the Catholic Context

Our team

Contáctate a través de correo electrónico con nuestro equipo

Liliana Nariño
Ministerial Development Director
Florencia Izaguirre
Argentina Catholic Coordinator
Wendy Garro
Central America Coordinator
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Allison Rodriguez
Colombia Catholic Coordinator
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María Fernanda Acosta
Regional leader Alpha YOUTH
Alexandra Orjuela
South America Coordinator
Fotos equipo para Web
Fr José de María
Mexico Catholic Contact

Discover how to run Alpha in your parish.


Disponible AHORA en Mi Alpha