Alpha Youth Series: Elements is a guide designed for youth leaders who want to use Alpha while maintaining its essence, utilizing the videos but with some personal enhancements.


In it, you will find various sections (or components) that will help you prepare your talk, the sequence of how the meeting should unfold, and how each component should be used.


These are found in the guides highlighted in orange. They can be Video Elements or Street Interviews. They are additional resources to make the live talk more engaging. This is an optional part of the talks, but their use is highly recommended.

Video elements

Any title highlighted in blue is a story that Ben and Jason share in Alpha: Renewed Youth Series. These can be replaced by a live story that the speaker has heard, which illustrates the same point.

Alpha Stories

They are highlighted in yellow and are personal stories that Ben and Jason share in Alpha: Renewed Youth Series. These can be replaced by the personal story of a live speaker, or the speaker could tell Ben and Jason's story in the same way they share stories of others.

Personal stories

Any section title highlighted in red is intended to identify a place where an illustration can be used. The illustration used in Alpha: Renewed Youth Series serves as an example, but speakers may use their own illustrations if they prefer.


Section titles highlighted in pink are key quotes from the talk meant to emphasize a point and allow guests to engage with and relate to the material.


Any title highlighted in green is to identify key Bible passages for the talk that one can choose to display or not display visually on a screen for their guests. The texts in these sections in bold are passages that could be shown on a screen as a visual aid.

Biblical teachings

Discover how to run Alpha Youth Series: Elements

What does Alpha Youth Series include?

All video elements available for download

Guide to making your Alpha the best it can be
Trainings for leaders.
Promotional materials for your Alpha.