Alpha Youth Series
Alpha Youth Series is designed for today's youth culture.Through 13 sessions filmed in Vancouver, London, Paris, Rome, Israel, and many other incredible locations, the Alpha Youth Series explores timeless questions about life, faith and God for a new generation.
The series offers compelling stories, images, questions, and discussion topics well spread throughout each episode to better engage youth, helping them think about how these issues relate to their lives as they discuss with their friends and leaders.

Jason Ballard
Jason is a pastor in Vancouver, Canada, and part of the Alpha team that creates resources for local churches around the world. Jason and Rachael have three children, Hudson, Mary, and Millie. Find him on Instagram as @jasonaballard

Ben Woodman
Ben and his wife Melissa live in Vancouver, Canada, where, before joining Alpha, he was a youth pastor for 10 years. Find him on Instagram as @benwoodman

Jassie Virk
Jassie organized Alpha at her school and now helps other students to run Alpha in their schools. She is part of the global team along with Ben.

Landry McAllister
Landry is the Youth and Young Adults Pastor at Cariboo Road Christian Fellowship in Burnaby, BC.

Peter Yoon
Peter is a full-time Youth Pastor at Christian Life Assembly in Langley, BC.

Nicky Gumbel
Nicky is the pioneer of Alpha, pastor of Holy Trinity Brompton, author of numerous books, and creator of the free app "The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel"
Series preview
What does Alpha Youth Series include?
All episodes available for download or the Vimeo link to host Alpha Online.
Trainings for leaders.
Guide for the Alpha team (with discussion questions).
Promotional materials for your Alpha.