Alpha Film Series

Alpha Film Series it's an updated, relevant and impactful resource designed to take the audience on an epic journey exploring the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Nicky Gumbel and the hosts, Toby Flint and Gemma Hunt, walk through the basics of the Christian faith in a way that everyone can relate to. The episodes feature inspiring stories and interviews from all around the world, as well as visual illustrations and motion graphics.


Repackaged for today’s audience, the Alpha Film Series is emotive, engaging and epic in scale and scope.

Toby Flint
Toby previously led Alpha at Holy Trinity Brompton and is currently a pastor at St. Nicholas in Bristol.
Gemma Hunt
Gemma is a TV presenter and BAFTA award winner, children's entertainer, voice actress, and Alpha enthusiast.
Nicky Gumbel
Nicky is the pioneer of Alpha, pastor of Holy Trinity Brompton, author of numerous books, and creator of the free app 'Bible in One Year.'
Series preview
These are just a few of the guests featured on Alpha Film Series
Bear Grylls

World-renowned adventurer, writer, and TV presenter based in the United Kingdom.

José Henriquez Gonzalez
One of the thirty-three miners trapped for sixty-nine days in the San José mine, living in Chile.
Cardenal Raniero Cantalamessa
Preacher of the Pontifical Household.
What does Alpha Film Series include?
All episodes available for download or the Vimeo link to host Alpha Online.
Trainings for leaders.

Guide for the Alpha team (with discussion questions).

Promotional materials for your Alpha.


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