We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to hear about Jesus, anywhere in the world.
Cuando donas mensualmente a Alpha, te conviertes en parte del la increíble historia de Dios construyendo su Iglesia globalmente. Nuestro trabajo ayuda a miles de Iglesias alrededor del mundo a hacer Alpha todos los días. Una donación mensual de 10USD nos permite equiparlos para dar la oportunidad de hacer Alpha en sus Iglesias locales y escuchar el mensaje de Jesús gratis.
Thanks to the donors of the past 5 years...
We are very grateful for all the lives transformed during these years. Thanks to the support of donors, Alpha in Latin America can reach many people so they can get to know Jesus.
19,255 churches and organizations adopted Alpha as their evangelization tool
38,363 courses were run
In Alpha, 789,404 people heard about Jesus
Tu Apoyo Genera un Impacto
Soporte al evangelismo global, particularmente en Latinoamérica
Our national offices engage with hundreds of churches and speak with hundreds of thousands of leaders each year to help them rethink evangelism in their local communities. Your support will inspire, serve and equip the church and its members to reach neighborhoods and cities globally. From urban centers in developed countries to humble areas.
Resources for development and innovation
Your generosity will help us provide the best resources for churches to effectively share the Gospel, creating life-transforming experiences for guests. This includes resources like Alpha The Series, Alpha Youth Series, Alpha Youth Series Elements, our digital platform and more resources designed to make sharing about Jesus even easier.
Organizational capacity
All our work is supported by our financial and operational teams, who ensure the best management of our human capital and resources, and increase our capacity and effectiveness in serving the global church.
vidas transformadas
Our vision is for everyone, everywhere, to have the opportunity to explore faith through Alpha by the year 2033,
This is a pivotal moment in history. In a world more connected than ever, Alpha is uniquely positioned to offer everyone, everywhere, the opportunity to discover Jesus in a respectful, relevant, and community-rooted way.
As we approach the 2000th anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we hope to make the exploration of faith as accessible as possible, so that millions more can find the transforming love of God.
Thank you for giving to Alpha.